Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Nationals Results!

The ATA hosted our Spring Nationals tournament in Las Vegas, NV this past weekend. There were Taekwondo students from all over the United States and Canada that competed. Canton ATA Martial Arts had 2 students travel and compete at this tournament.

Mr. Ross Chamberlain (1st Degree Black Belt Adult), competed and earned FIRST PLACE in SPARRING! Congratulations, Sir.

Mr. Cody Smith (3rd Degree Black Belt Junior), competed and earned FIRST PLACE in FORMS and SECOND PLACE in SPARRING! Congratulations, Sir.

Mr. Murphy (5th Degree Black Belt) competed and earned FIRST PLACE in FORMS. Mr. Murphy also completed a training seminar in Combat Weapons Sparring. Black Belts, beware! We'll be introducting some new training this summer!

Congratulations to our competitors again. They represented our academy very well, not just because they won medals, but because of their positive attitudes and sportmanship!

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